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Jealousy, blackmail, revenge and murder in this ice-cold, Psychological Thriller
Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall MONDAY 26th to SATURDAY 31st AUGUST
Annabel Chester returns home to her sister after their sadistic father's death, walking into a ghostly nightmare of jealousy, blackmail, revenge and murder. But who is trying to kill who, and why? Even the author's trademark, dark humour turns jet-black in this ice-cold, Psychological Thriller, the ending unguessable, until the very last moment. "A creepily, scarily, eerily, enjoyable evening." (Sunday Times).
Suitable for all. Running time 2hrs 15mins with interval. Tickets £15 or £21. Evenings Monday to Saturday 7:30pm and Matinees 4pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. (For further information, disable access or group bookings please call 01728 343344.) We look forward to welcoming you.
Also at Southwold Arts Centre Wednesday 21st August to Saturday 24th August.