About Enjoy!

Find and book any event with Enjoy! UK Edition!

Find what is happening in your area before everyone else - and book your tickets from all leading ticketing providers.

How does Enjoy work?

Enjoy! has partnered with all the major ticketing providers in the UK, alongside our main partner The List, which collects and structures more or less every event happening in the UK.

Enjoy in numbers

We have tens of thousands of exciting events and activities, ranging from concerts to theaters to exhibitions, and we update thousands of listings every day to make sure every listing is up to date.

Who is behind Enjoy?

Enjoy! is a Norwegian company with a team of extremely passionate people within two areas; 1) Wanting to help more people find and attend great experiences that creates memories, and 2) Using technology as just a tool for everyone to self-control their spare time, as opposed to letting the technology control oneself (like Facebook and alike).

Our offices are located in fantastic Sandnes, on the west coast of Norway, and we ourselves explore outdoor activities and events every week, just like you also should.

Life is short! Enjoy it!

Can we contact you?

We love to hear from you! Simply drop us an email at hello@enjoy.ly and we'll be in touch the same or at latest the next day.