X2 Sport Fee 2023

Welcome to X2 Festivalen sport tickets. We will open the ticket sales on the 1th of March at 10am. You are welcome to participate in more than one competition. If you want to compete in the...
Denne aktiviteten er allerede gjennomført eller markert som utgått.
kl 20:00


Welcome to X2 Festivalen sport tickets. We will open the ticket sales on the 1th of March at 10am. You are welcome to participate in more than one competition. If you want to compete in the Trippel-X competition, you need to purchase 3 different sport tickets. Note!: The sports need to be 3 different sport disciplines. The weather can effect the sports. Please check our website or FB site for updated information on the sport schedule.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 211479
Passer for
Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne

Sponsede linker