Techno Tapas: Nattl4mpe / Naboklage / Axel fu / Daniel den Glade

The USBs are loaded with skull crushing bangers! This is weaponised techno fanaticism. The authorities have been warned and the emergency department at Haukeland has doubled capacity in preparation...
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kl 23:00


The USBs are loaded with skull crushing bangers! This is weaponised techno fanaticism. The authorities have been warned and the emergency department at Haukeland has doubled capacity in preparation for this event. No one will be spared. Will you stand the test of the great untzblaster? Are you ready to give in to the rhythm and dance through stomper after stomper? You might not survive, but no one can say we didn't warn you...

Lineup: Daniel den Glade Axel fu Naboklage Nattl4mpe

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Enjoy-kode: 729755
Passer for
Ungdom, Voksne

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