Surfing the waves with NablaFlow

(Ticketsales closes at 30th of April) Are you up for a refreshing encounter with the beaches of Jæren? Giacomo, Thomas and Luca, from the company Nablaflow, are all passionate surfers and educated...
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kl 08:30

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Enjoy-kode: 824694
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Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre

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(Ticketsales closes at 30th of April)

Are you up for a refreshing encounter with the beaches of Jæren? Giacomo, Thomas and Luca, from the company Nablaflow, are all passionate surfers and educated surf instructors. We would like to invite you to join them on a trip to beautiful Borestranden.

Transport, board and wetsuit are included in the price.

Make sure to bring some water and some snacks to keep yourself energized and hydrated.

Time: 08:30 - 13:30 (includes travel time)

Meeting Point: Innoasis, Sverdrups gate 27, 4007 Stavanger

Leaders: NablaFlow (one of our Smart City members)
