SSO x MUD x Frædag: Hugo LX + Third Attempt band (live)

Hugo LX | Ghar & DJ Niwin | g-HA & Olanskii | Third Attempt band (live) The dance floor is our salvation for the Souls Sessions Oslo and MUD takeover of Frædag. Hugo LX returns to the basement as...
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Hugo LX | Ghar & DJ Niwin | g-HA & Olanskii | Third Attempt band (live)

The dance floor is our salvation for the Souls Sessions Oslo and MUD takeover of Frædag. Hugo LX returns to the basement as Frædag shares the duties with g-HA & Olanskii and a special live performance from Third Attempt and his newly formed band. Third Attempt sets the scene for this unique live showcase, preparing the floor for MUD DJs Ghar and Niwin and the Soul Sessions dancers before Hugo LX. g-HA & Olanskii preside over the Sauna for this one.

#house #disco #deep

Sauna: 22:00 g-HA & Olanskii

Basement: 22:00 - Third Attempt band (live) 23:00 - Ghar & DJ Niwin 01:15 - Hugo LX

ID: 20

This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 534671
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Ungdom, Voksne

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