Sound of Irish Inspirations - en irsk danse forestilling

On Saturday 27th of April, at 15:00 and 17:00, Sound – Irish Dance Company and students from Sound – Irish Dance Factory, will present this year’s International dance day show: Sound of Irish...
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kl 13:00


On Saturday 27th of April, at 15:00 and 17:00, Sound – Irish Dance Company and students from Sound – Irish Dance Factory, will present this year’s International dance day show: Sound of Irish Inspirations!

You will see dancers from under 6 till over 60, beginners to seasoned company dancers, when the dance company and the dance students share stage to celebrate their love of Irish dance - sharing their Irish dance inspirations with you. They will give you a show filled with elegance, strength, joy and of course rhythms, in other words: everything Irish dance can be!



Arrangør: Sound - Irish Dance Factory

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 998952
Passer for
Eldre, Barn, Ungdom, Voksne

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