Sonja Henie Trophy 2024

Welcome to the first Sonja Henie Trophy March 8 -10 2024 in Oslo, Norway. This is an ISU competition for singels (Adv.Novice/Junior/Senior) and Interclub for Basic Novice and Intermediate Novice....
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kl 09:00


Welcome to the first Sonja Henie Trophy March 8 -10 2024 in Oslo, Norway. This is an ISU competition for singels (Adv.Novice/Junior/Senior) and Interclub for Basic Novice and Intermediate Novice. We are expecting skaters from 20 nations. Come to Oslo and experience our modern and bright skating rink from 2020 named after the legendary Norwegian figure skater Sonja Henie.

Useful links:

Sonja Henie Trophy website

Journey planner for public transportation

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 342792
Passer for
Ungdom, Voksne, Barn, Eldre

Sponsede linker