JP Shilo, Steve Shelley & Mika Bajinski // Kafé Hærverk

J.P. Shilo (Aust.) & Steve Shelley (USA) will be joining forces once again in May / June 2024. The pair last toured together in 2019, promoting Shilo’s INVISIBLE YOU album throughout Europe and the...
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J.P. Shilo (Aust.) & Steve Shelley (USA) will be joining forces once again in May / June 2024. The pair last toured together in 2019, promoting Shilo’s INVISIBLE YOU album throughout Europe and the UK. They first worked together in the ‘90s on Shilo’s instrumental group - « Hungry Ghosts » in New York City, where they recorded the Ghosts’ sophomore LP - « Alone, Alone » at Sonic Youth’s studio, and continue to collaborate to this day. They will be joined this time around by the sonorous stylings of German chanteuse - Mika Bajinski - from Berlin-based experimental noir ensemble - Sometimes With Others. This talented and dynamic trio are fragile in their minimalist beauty, yet able to suddenly burst open with stabbing intensity. They’ll be making their debut by showcasing an eclectic selection from both Shilo & Bajinski’s catalogues. Be prepared for shape-shifting swirls of dark rock and diverse weirdalisations. You will dance, you will weep, you will definitely fall in love.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 717490
Passer for
Eldre, Ungdom, Barn, Voksne

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