Indiefjord 2023

Welcome to our friendly, little indiepop festival in Bjørke, western Norway, 8 + 9 July 2023. Start daydreaming of summer days with new and old friends and the best music. ___ BANDS ANNOUNCED SO...
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Welcome to our friendly, little indiepop festival in Bjørke, western Norway, 8 + 9 July 2023. Start daydreaming of summer days with new and old friends and the best music. _ BANDS ANNOUNCED SO FAR: The Chesterfields (UK) Andy Strickland (UK) Would you like to play? Please email us on by 10 February to apply. _ IMPORTANT TRANSPORT INFO: This year, we're expanding the Friday welcome party! If arriving/departing by plane to Ålesund Airport Vigra, make sure to book planes suitable for the Indiefjord transport to/from Bjørke: Arriving the festival: Book a flight that arrives no later than 17.05 on Friday 7 July. Departing the festival: Book a flight that departs at 14.00 or later on Monday 10 July. Contact if these timings are not suitable or if you are traveling to Hovden airport. Accommodation options will be shared by the end of January. Transport options and tickets will be published April/Mayish at the latest. MORE INFO SOON See you in July for some truly magical days listening to our favourite bands with our favourite people – overlooking our favourite fjord. Love from Team Indiefjord __ Photo: Linzi Clark at Indiefjord 2022 – photo by Eline Viddal Rød

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