Funeral Harvest release concert // Fru Lundgreen

Midtbyen Rockeklubb presenterer: Funeral Harvest Redemptio relase concert + DJ Thøring. In conspiracy with Fru Lundgreen, Funeral Harvest presents the new full-length. R E D E M P T I O is...
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kl 21:00


Midtbyen Rockeklubb presenterer:

Funeral Harvest

Redemptio relase concert + DJ Thøring.

In conspiracy with Fru Lundgreen, Funeral Harvest presents the new full-length. R E D E M P T I O is the purest wrath of FH's. The concept of the album refers to the forgiveness and absolution of human sins, blessed with blood, damnation and disgrace by the hand of god. DJ Thøring will fill in the blanks.

Dørene åpner 20:00 Konsertstart 22:00 CC: 120,- 20 år

Vel møtt!!

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Enjoy-kode: 189716
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom

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