ATTENTION LADIES & GENTLEMEN ! We would love to introduce you to yet another HOT CLUB NIGHT about to take Norway by storm! THE BUCKET DJZ X HYPE & LOUNGE COLLAB! The first edition of the show is...
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ATTENTION LADIES & GENTLEMEN ! We would love to introduce you to yet another HOT CLUB NIGHT about to take Norway by storm! THE BUCKET DJZ X HYPE & LOUNGE COLLAB! The first edition of the show is right around the corner and we couldn’t wait to let you know! We have gathered talented DJS across the country to make sure the entertainment will be TOP NOTCH ! Just Imagine a night at the famous BERGEN KJØTT, 2 FLOORS , SEVEN DJS & several music genres! WELL WELL ! ITS GONNA BE PARTY AFTER PARTY! 27TH APRIL IS THE DATE SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS 🗓️ 🔥 Stay tuned for more info on the DJ line ups , tickets and more! BERGEN -OSLO LINK UP 🔥🔥🔥

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