Basement x M.A.D.: Josh Butler + Simon Field + Blichfeldt + g-HA + Axel FU + Dara Woo + Julie Reistad

Josh Butler | Simon Field | Blichfeldt | g-HA |+ Axel FU | Dara Woo | Julie Reistad Tuesdays are the new Fridays as M.A.D join forces with Basement during the 3rd day of Christmas. The basement...
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kl 22:00


Josh Butler | Simon Field | Blichfeldt | g-HA |+ Axel FU | Dara Woo | Julie Reistad

Tuesdays are the new Fridays as M.A.D join forces with Basement during the 3rd day of Christmas. The basement will be rattling with the sound of Josh Butler, Simon Field and Blichfeldt while Axel FU and Dara Woo take on the sauna with g-HA & Olanskii, celebrating the first year of M.A.D and another year of Frædager in 2024.

#house #techno

Sauna: g-HA + Axel FU + Dara Woo

Basement: Josh Butler + Simon Field + Blichfeldt


This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 468342
Passer for
Voksne, Barn, Eldre, Ungdom

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