Accelerating Innovation - 3 sessions

Welcome to Accelerating Innovation at Innoasis, an innovation programme designed by Nordic Edge and the University of Stavanger to enhance your innovation capabilities. Through four sessions, we...
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Welcome to Accelerating Innovation at Innoasis, an innovation programme designed by Nordic Edge and the University of Stavanger to enhance your innovation capabilities. Through four sessions, we will explore various aspects of innovation and how to use it to take your organisation to the next level. This is a great place to acquire new innovation skills, share experiences and extend your network.

Accelerating Innovation is an innovation programme consisting of four sessions spread out through the year.

The first session Are you in shape for innovation is finished. The three remaining are:

Session 2: The innovation treasure hunt Utilize the 4Ps framework to open conversations about the unexplored opportunities for innovation within your organization. Date & Time: Thursday 6th June, 08:30-11:00

Session 3: The Power of User Insights in Innovation Mobilise the power of user insight as the best way to find new possibilities for innovation within your organisation. Date & Time: Tuesday 27th August, 08:30-11:00

Session 4: What we need is a culture of innovation – but how? Everyone talks about the importance of having a culture of innovation, but how do we actually achieve this? Date & Time: Tuesday 22nd October, 08:30-11:00

This ticket gives you a discounted access to the all four sessions of the programme. It is possible to buy tickets for the individual sessions as well.
