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Dance music for the mind and body, refiltered across classical, pop, trad and beyond.

From US minimalist John Adams’ non-conformist moves for string quartet, through to French composer Guillaume Connesson’s radical collision of disco and Bach. Plus brand new sounds from three musicians reaching through classical into chamber pop, contemporary folk and electronics.

Join SCO Associate Composer Jay Capperauld and a select band of SCO players to discover fresh sonic experiences, including Jay’s delicate, Japan-inspired flute solo which opens the concert.

DJ Dolphin Boy provides an electronic thread weaving together the music’s contrasting dance styles and ideas.

Programme Capperauld: The Pathos of Broken Things Connesson: Disco Toccata naafi (Soundbox Live): Joyride in your Aura Emily Scott-Moncrieff (Soundbox Live): She breathes, she becomes Daniel Abrahams (Soundbox Live): Hope in the Dark Adams: John's book of alleged dances

Dolphin Boy: DJ Jay Capperauld: Host


Enjoy code: 287134
Target groups
Adult, Elderly, Youth
External information