St Edward’s School: Transformations


Enjoy code: 416726
Target groups
Adult, Elderly, Youth


The pieces in this show draw on the connections and similarities between humans and nature, explored through a wide variety of materials and processes. A diverse array of artists and cultures informs the work; from Soviet architecture, Expressionist paintings and prints to textile practitioners and fine jewellers.

Over eighteen months the pupils have created pieces that explore individual themes, forming an exhibition in which the idea of transformations in humans and nature, and the interaction between the two, is investigated. Architectural forms underpin some of the work, whereas for others inspiration began within the woods, foliage or natural forms surrounding us. How nature and the experience of life transforms us, or how we as humans transform the world around us is the central message of the exhibition. The transformations thus made are interpreted in visual pieces which we hope will both intrigue and allow for further contemplation.
