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Soundbytes' Summer Concert is a celebration and culmination of the Summer Term's work. Soundbytes is a community choir based in Ashtead but draws its members from the surrounding areas as well. Soundbytes will be singing the best that pop has to offer in 3- or 4-part harmony, with Meredith White on piano and led by professional choir leader, Hazel Hannam. The concert is FREE with a retiring collection for local charity Cherry Trees - giving respite care for families with mentally and physically disabled children/young people. Find out more about Cherry Trees here:
Soundbytes will be celebrating 15 years as a choir with over 50 members and has raised more than £40,000 for local charities.
They will also be joined by the Decibelles, a ladies choir from Bookham, which Hazel also runs, who will be performing a handful of songs in beautiful harmony.
The concert starts at 8pm and an outside bar area will be open from 7pm and again after the concert has finished (around 9:15pm)in the beautiful gardens of Manor House School. The concert space is in the Elizabeth Green Hall - a fantastic and atmospheric modern performance space belonging to the school and within the grounds of the school, with raked seating offering the audience plenty of great viewing.