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Maxim Emelyanychev conductor
Karen Cargill mezzo soprano
Robert Jordan bagpipes
SCO Chorus
Gregory Batsleer chorus director
BERLIOZ La mort de Cléopâtre
MACMILLAN Composed in August (World Premiere)
MAXWELL DAVIES Orkney Wedding, with Sunrise
Come celebrate the age-old friendship between the peoples of Scotland and France in the company of Maxim Emelyanychev and superstar Scottish mezzo Karen Cargill – with brand new music from Scotland’s greatest living composer.
Berlioz displayed his admiration for Sir Walter Scott in his rollicking, rousing Rob Roy Overture, while his intensely dramatic La mort de Cléopâtre is almost a miniature opera, catching the Egyptian queen moments after her fatal asp bite.
Be the first to hear Sir James MacMillan’s new choral setting of Robert Burns – and get whisked off your feet with Maxwell Davies’s riotous recreation of Orcadian marriage celebrations, complete with bagpipes to herald the coming dawn.
Kindly supported by Donald and Louise MacDonald
Commissioned by Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Fri 22 Mar 7.30pm, City Halls, Glasgow