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Helen Vidovich (flute) Olga Stezhko (piano) Val Welbanks (cello)

The Marsyas Trio’s position as one of the UK's foremost mixed chamber ensembles equips the group with a unique musical outlook.

For over a decade , the Marsyas Trio has been championing the vast body of repertoire for flute, cello and piano, and instrumental combination which originated in the Classical era with Haydn and Clementi.

The medium continued to evolve in tandem with the progress of instrument making, to the modern day where the musical possibilities have never been greater. The Trio continues to develop this tradition through commissioning, and through our commitment to presenting a balanced range of works by historic and living composers, offering audiences an interesting perspective on gender, societal and political themes.

Programme to include Ludwig van Beethoven, Amy Beach, Michael Finnissy, and George Crumb.


Enjoy code: 311398
Target groups
Elderly, Adult, Youth
External information