Jack Cade + Eugene Coyne

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JACK CADE "Take about two cups of Johnny Cash add a dash or two of Tom Waits, and a smidgen of the psychobilly or punk roots that began molding him years ago, and you have Jack Cade." Jack Cade puts his musical leanings down to a mixture of watching Sergio Leone westerns far too many times and his early years spent sitting in his grandparents kitchen on a Sunday afternoon, whilst the roast dinner was in full swing, with the radio spewing out any number of country tunes. https://www.jackcade.com/

EUGENE COYNE Eloquent acoustic rock from the idosyncratic South London troubadour. The son of late lamented maverick Kevin Coyne and graduate of such associated energies as Silver Chapter, Mean Vincent and the Pink Wuzzle Band. https://eugenecoyne.bandcamp.com/


Enjoy code: 215284
Target groups
Elderly, Adult, Youth
External information