Celebrating over 40 years as a live performer, Eddi Reader has effortlessly developed into one of popular music’s most thrilling and affecting performers. What sets Eddi apart is the depth and quality of the emotional performance and ability to not only move the listener, but connect her experience to that of her audience. No two performances are ever the same.
Though first brought into the limelight as front woman for Fairground Attraction, whose #1 single, Perfect and parent album, First of a Million Kisses, both topped the charts in the U.K., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, Eddi’s subsequent solo albums signalled her ability to assimilate different musical styles and make them very much her own, most notably The Songs of Robert Burns (2003), a timeless interpretation showcasing the poems of Scotland’s national bard.
With her work in song, from the traditional to the contemporary, Eddi Reader extinguishes the preordained boundaries of genre, bringing joyous life to all forms. Her rare blend of meltingly true vocals and towering romanticism combine with an astute and pragmatic nature to make her a unique and powerful figure in contemporary music. With 10 critically acclaimed solo albums, and awards in tow, Eddi continues to delight audiences worldwide.