Deerhoof & Ryley Walker (co-headline)

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Over eighteen boundless albums as experimental as they are pop,Deerhoof has continuously quested for daring storytelling and radicalsounds, creating a new shared language of revolution. 2020's critically acclaimed, overwhelmingly prescientFuture Teenage Cave Artists explored fairytale visions of post-apocalypse, welding intrinsic melodies with absurdist digital recording methods. Its immediate sequelLove-Lore,a live covers medley, channeled futurist mid-century artistsParliament,Sun Ra and Stockhausen, to name a handful into a patchwork love letterto the anti-authoritarian expressions that inspire the band. Deerhoof's latest,Actually, You Can,is a genre-abundant record that uses technicolor vibrancy and arpeggiated muscularity to offer a vital shockfrom capitalism's purgatorial hold. The band says, Think of all the beauty,positivity and love that gets deemed ugly, negative and hateful by the self-proclaimed guardians of 'common sense.' We'd hardly be destroying society by dismantling their colonial economics and prisons and gender roles and aesthetics. We'd be creating it!


Enjoy code: 928369
Target groups
Adult, Youth, Elderly
External information