Nave & The Ghost Collectors

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Nave & The Ghost Collectors are a Norwegian blues band with an explosive high energy show and a feel good on-stage vibe.

Nave & The Ghost Collectors are trying to bridge the gap between several musical genres. Be it the smooth tunes of blues, the hard beats of rock, the individuality of indie music, they try to make the music speak your language. One of the core elements the sound, is the harmonica, which gets ample stage-time on the tracks. The harmonica is essential to the lyrics mood; and when there are no lyrics, its essential to the ambiance of the space you are in when listening to the music.

The band was formed in Norway, yet tries to apply international influences into their music. The common underlying messaging of Blues music is always there, but they bring forth some more complexity with their storytelling. Often telling stories of ghosts, love with misunderstandings, duty and inspiration, frustration and adventure.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 315149
Passer for
Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne