Happy Together - 35mm

“Turns out lonely people are all the same” With a steady growing reputation, Wong Kar-wai’s international standing was thoroughly consolidated after the release of this film. The film is also...
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“Turns out lonely people are all the same”

With a steady growing reputation, Wong Kar-wai’s international standing was thoroughly consolidated

after the release of this film. The film is also regarded as one of the best LGBTQ+ films within the “new

queer cinema” movement. The story follows a couple from Hong Kong visiting Buenos Aires as they

hope to renew their relationship. As things don’t go the way they hoped, tries both desperately to make

enough money to get back home.

Med et voksende rykte gjennom 90-tallet får Wong Kar-wai sin store internasjonale status etter utgivelse

av denne fillmen. Filmen anses også som en av de beste LGBTQ+ filmene innen “new queer cinema”

bevegelsen. Historien følger en par fra Hong Kong som besøker Buenos Aires i håp om å fornye

forholdet deres. Når ting ikke går slik de hadde håpet må begge desperat prøve å tjene nok penger for å

komme seg hjem igjen.

Wong Kar-wai

Hong Kong



92 min


Norwegian Subtitles

Written by Erlend Røed Hestvik

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 416747
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Eldre, Ungdom, Voksne

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